International Consolidated Airlines?

The merger between British Airways and Iberia will be called "International Consolidated Airlines." How dull is that and what a poor reflection on their combined strategy/PR/advertising departments! Let's hear your best ideas. Off the top of my head, I can come up with The British Armada, Fly Quixote, Costa the Earth and El Brito.
having spent 15 mins crafting acronyms like ABYSMAL (a British Yberian Strategic Merged Air Line and BAIL (BA Iberial Link) its all to no avail, the 2 airlines will retain their separate identities under the holding company with this dreadful name.
ICA Immediate Catastrophy Aviation
Bravo Roddy & Anon!
On the same wavelength as you, WW - Don Quickfloat.
ww - B-R-A? Sounds good...
I know, how about British European Airways....
As long as they do not fly Tupolevs.
B.I.A.? Not very imaginative either, but an improvement on Consolidated..
At least no one came up with Briberia.
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