The American dream
Three cheers for Barack Obama for inspiring so many Americans and renewing the world with hope for change for the better! Let's hope he can fulfil our expectations. John McCain had a pretty much impossible task. As one of his supporters said, "Without George Bush, two unpopular wars and the worst economic crisis since the 30s, it would have been plain sailing for McCain." What does it mean for politics over here? It is probably still too early to say but the Conservatives should take great comfort from the fact that people feel the need for a change of direction.
Operation Blackprez has delivered !
And it is coming soon to a country near you !
Yes - or something along the lines of " 10 dollars and change"...
Yes, let us hope indeed that it will be a change for the better.
Obama's campaign was so impressive. Look at all the money they raised. He has given America hope, he was astounding.
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