Thursday, July 05, 2007


Today's FT reports not only that the Inland Revenue is planning to have the right to seize unpaid taxes from individuals' bank accounts but also that the European Commission is proposing to destroy 5% of the vineyards in Europe, namely the small "low quality" producers. The EC is also saying that wine producers should replace sugar with must to reduce the alcohol content. Another day, yet more personal freedom being eroded.


Blogger Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Awful - in both cases.

4:12 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WW - I read about the HMRC proposals in the Telegraph, and it was being discussed with David Harnett from the Rev & Customs on R4 PM with Eddie Mair. It is absolutely disgraceful !!

I don't have the technology to paste in the links, but I would recommend a perusal of the PM Blog to see some of the comments, many of which are from people on the 'inside' who think it is a terrible idea.

This is meant to be the start of a 'consultation' process, but no one has explained to me how this will work, who will be consulted, and by when the decisions will be made.

I think we need to get the House of Lords involved, as they seem to be the only people these days who can put a stop to the nonsense dreamed up by these time - serving 'civil' servants.

Sorry, but this has annoyed me not inconsiderably, and we need to find a way to put a stop to this damn fool idea before it gains momentum and becomes unstoppable. Grrrr !!!!

5:36 pm  
Blogger Eurodog said...

This wine business is serious. We are talking farming tradition in France. Generations of wine making and what are we going to replace the wine with since there seem to be quotas on pratically everything.

8:16 pm  

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