Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Blessed are the peace makers

How ironic that Tony Blair is set to become the peace envoy for the Middle East. This will be a real test of his PR machine. He said the other day that he thought he'd be more likely to be assassinated in the UK than abroad. His new address, just of a stretch off the Edgware Road known as Little Beirut, does not bode well on that front.


Blogger Mutterings and Meanderings said...

Irony indeed.

Why do they want a warmonger as a peace envoy? or am I just being an ignorant woman?

9:52 pm  
Blogger lady macleod said...

Little Beirut? Seriously? Good grief! I was in Beirut in the eighties and again a couple of years ago, it is the shite bowl of the MidEast where the city motto is "duck!" Which breaks the heart as it was a lovely place in the sixties and before.

I can't believe... bullocks it is politics of course I can believe Blair is going to be a Middle Eastern envoy. Perhaps Bush can be his front man?

11:00 pm  
Blogger Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Ironic indeed. I cannot understand what good they think he will do, given that he is so reviled there.

12:26 am  
Blogger Eurodog said...

The Which Blair project is born.

4:58 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, if Henry Kissinger can win the Nobel Peace Prize, anything is possible.

One can only hope that Blair will be like Martin McGuiness - commander of the army yesterday, one day turning his back on all that, and giving peace a chance..

Hope springs eternal..

8:58 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I share the sentiments of M & M. But Northern Ireland was a triumph, I guess that is what swung it for him.
Whenver bloggers from overseas write about Blair, they all say they think he is wonderful, they can't understand his bad press because they have not lived through his failing domestic issues. Whereas when visiting abroad, he is always pictured smiling and shaking hands with world leaders. That's all they notice, regardless of what is behind it all.

7:56 pm  

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