Fine line

The Guangdong unit of Sinopec, the largest oil refiner in China, is being investigated for spending $400,000 on expensive alcohol, including 1996 Chateau Lafite Rothschild (the most favoured Chateau in China) at $1838 a bottle. It seems we missed quite a party. At a recent auction at Sotheby's in Hong Kong, two bottles of 1945 Lafite were sold for $49,914. The Rothschilds are now producing wine in China in a joint venture with Citic. The first vines were planted in 2008 and they added the Chinese character for 8 to the labels as a celebration and also to help their marketing as 8 is considered to be the luckiest number in China.
Well, WW, the dollars signs you quote have encouraged me to keep my wine cellar intact and to have vin de table with my evening meal.
At Rosneft they stick to Petrus.
Sante ED!
They're still on petrol at BP
Would you recommend Chinese wine? Have you tried it?
Hi Ellee - no and yes!
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