What's in a name?

In the spring of 2010, I was offered shares in a new issue of a Chinese recycled paper company called Fook Woo. Unimpressed by its credentials, I declined, thereby missing a swift 26% profit from its first week of trading. Since then it has had a volatile run and is currently suspended, 40% below its issue price, as some of its employees have been charged with embezzlement and/or fraud. I admit that the company name did put me off and it now appears that there was truth in the name...
There again ....The food at Ho Lee Fook at Worlds End in Chelsea can be quite good.
Ah a relation of that well known gentleman, Mr.Woo who could tell you what to do....
LOL Angus
You may be surprised -- the company name is called 福和. In Mandarin, it is pronounced Fu He, though in Cantonese, it is pronounced as Fook Woo.
福和 is a brilliant name in Chinese. 福 means happiness; 和 means peace/ harmony.
You will see this character 福 very often during the Chinese new year. Just make sure you say it in a rising tone, i.e., the second tone!
福: The character can be explained as, from left to right, God + one plot of land.
和: Again, from left to right, Crop + mouth.
It is a free Chinese lesson for your happiness!
Best regards,
Happy New Year Janet and many thanks for that interesting comment. Hope you are well and still enjoying your hens.
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