Friday, June 01, 2007


Much news today: Bush goes green on unspecified "new scientific research"; Barroso's desperate to resurrect the EU constitution (yawn) and is hoping Blair's going to be positive about it at the European summit on 21 June; British Gas (nka BG Group) is trying to sell Palestinian gas to Israel; and the Turkish PM Erdogan is at loggerheads with the judiciary, has defied the Presidential veto and is pressing ahead with his constitutional reform package. It is unclear whether the latter will go through. There have been huge anti-Islamist demonstrations in Turkey over the past few weeks. The Turkish President, Sezer, has the right to refer the proposals to the constitutional court or to call for a referendum. We'll see if anything happens before the election on 22 July.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bush has denied green issues for so long, but with an election on the horizon and G8 next week, I wonder how committed he truly is.

5:12 pm  

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