Big brother is listening to you

Yesterday, for the first time since Taiwan's independent government was established by Chiang Kai-shek in 1945, a mainland Chinese company, China Mobile, bought a stake in a Taiwanese company, Far EasTone Telecommunications. The present government in Taiwan, the KMT, is pro-China and has now signed three trade agreements with China, the most recent one, this week, allowing Chinese companies to invest in Taiwanese companies. The Taiwanese stockmarket has a limit rule: share prices can only move by a maximum of 7% up or 7% down on any one day. The whole Taiwanese market was limit up today.
If only the Brussels stockexchange had that rule. Fortis could have been saved.
Are we right in thinking the markets have bottomed? Not the recession, the markets.....
Possibly, ED
KL - we've had a good run. Remember the old adage: sell in May and go away. I wouldn't like to predict market bottoms or tops but I've increased my short positions.
ww - I see Anthony has called the next bull market - again....
Beware market pundits, KL. If they keep saying the same thing, at some point they'll be right. Pundits and chartists are very annoying.
Having said that, one very positive fact is that people are sitting on cash and earning nothing on deposit so funds flow into markets is still looking good.
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