Parliamentary selection

In Radio 4's tribute to him, Clement Freud recalled the tale of his selection by the Liberal Party to fight the by-election in the Isle of Ely in 1973. He said there were three candidates and each was called in by the local association for interview. There were so few members in the hall that they'd invited 13 people from an old people's home across the road to make up the numbers. Clement was second to be interviewed and had to wait an hour and a half for the first candidate's questions and answers to finish first. He went in. They asked him some questions and after 15 minutes thanked him for his time. The result of the vote was to be announced after the third candidate's interview. The third candidate went in. After an hour and a half, Clement decided that he could not possibly be in the running so he left and went home. The Chairman called him later, "Mr Freud, you didn't wait for the result!" "No," replied Clement, "Who won?" "You did!" exclaimed the Chairman. "Really?" he replied, "By how many votes?" "Thirteen," said the Chairman.
Ah well, mathematically that could not have been the 13 OAPs - if he won BY 13 votes. On the other hand , had he won WITH 13 votes... I always thought of him as an OAP even when he was in his 40s, so perhaps the oldies voted for one of their own...
Lovely story. I shall miss Clement.
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