Monday, September 01, 2008

Darling Darling

Today's FT has a damning leader about Alistair Darling. His claim that the UK economy is in the worst shape for 60 years is nonsense. Unemployment and inflation are still low. There is no prospect of introducing a three day working week or seeking a bail-out from the IMF. His hyperbole about the economy is juxtaposed by his understatement about the performance of the Government which he describes as "not doing ok." He's obviously fed up with taking over GB's poisoned chalice but even so he has himself to blame for the nationalisation of Northern Rock and the indecision about cancelling stamp duty for first time buyers and imposing windfall taxes on energy companies. My bet is that both he and Jacqui Smith will be dumped in the next Cabinet reshuffle, if indeed GB makes it that far.


Blogger Ellee Seymour said...

What a romantic and lovely name for an incompetent and doomed Chancellor. I guess someone had to take hold of the poisoned chalice. And yes, let's not forget Northern Rock. I hope your prediction is correct.

8:48 pm  
Blogger kinglear said...

This of course was merely the usual FD approach of make it all sound dreadful, so if it's a teensy bit better, Hey I'm a genius.

7:37 pm  

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