Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Cultural Marxism

Dr Simon Newman has an excellent blog on the Tory blogsite today in which he elaborates on the roots of political correctness in cultural Marxism. He asks whether Simon Heffer and Peter Hitchens are right to think that Cameron Conservatism is cultural Marxist Conservatism or whether he is simply "reframing classical-liberal values in cultural Marxist terms, in order to appeal to a British public conditioned by the media and education systems to think in cultural Marxist terms, but which retains a desire for liberty imcompatible with the cultural Marxist project." He adds that DC's political positioning is very clever regarding the BBC as constitutionally they are unable to criticise anybody who's soft on crime and immigration, who's a Europhile or overly pro the environment. (Is that true?)

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Strolling through Harrods last week to meet a dear friend for lunch, I was flabbergasted to be offered a pot of Estee Lauder face cream for £150. Apparently the cost of diving to the seabed in Mexico for the essential ingredients has pushed up the price. Do Mexican local facial products have an excellent reputation or is this just another rip-off for women, along with very expensive hosiery which ladders on its first outing? Is there any evidence that women's skin has improved commensurately with the inflation in the price of creams? I've asked the fabulous Lucy Yeomans, Editor of Harper's Bazaar, to look into it.

Monday, October 23, 2006

A new direction?

Call me cynical but I don't like the new layout of the Conservative Women's Organisation's website. For a start, why is it called Conservative Women's Organisation? Why not just Conservative Women or Blue Rinse or, more fashionably, Aquamarine? Then there's the problem with the photo. The heading is "A New Direction" (dubious capital letters anyway) accompanied by a photo of part of a couple of trees on the left with some rays of light on the right, emanating from a UFO or UO, presumably the sun. In my view, this photo has no sense of direction, let alone a new one. Can anybody extol its merits to me?