Nor have we one or two kind of drunkards only, but eight kinds. The first is apedrunk,
and he leaps and sings and hollows, and danceth for the heavens; the second is
lion-drunk, and he flings the pots about the house, calls his hostess whore, breaks the
glass windows with his dagger, and is apt to quarrel with any man that speaks to him;
the third is swine-drunk, heavy, lumpish and sleepy, and cries for a little more drink
and a few more clothes; the fourth is sheep-drunk, wise in his own conceit, when he
cannot bring forth a right word; the fifth is maudlin-drunk, when a fellow will weep
for kindness in the midst of his ale, and kiss you, saying, By God, captain, I love
thee; go thy ways, thou dost not think so often of me as I do of thee; I would (if it
pleased God) I could not love thee so well as I do, and then he puts his finger in his
eye, and cries; the sixth is martin-drunk, when a man is drunk, and drinks himself
sober ere he stir; the seventh is goat-drunk, when in his drunkenness he hath no mind
but on lechery; the eighth is fox-drunk, when he is crafty-drunk, as many of the
Dutchmen be, that will never bargain but when they are drunk.
Thomas Nashe 1592