My sister and nephew visited yesterday and we had a game of Scrabble with my father. We have very strict house rules: no slang, no prefixes and there's a list of two letter words which are and are not allowed. This resulted in much consternation, culminating in outrage at the realisation, two turns too late, that "zo" (Himalayan cow) was allowed. I brought my nephew a boomerang back from Australia and we had great fun trying to fly it. At one stage it became lodged at the top of the magnolia tree and he had to climb half way up and give the branches a good shake to retrieve it. After half an hour or so, it was beginning to make its way back to him, although its predeliction was to soar towards the heavens and land in perpendicular style in the muddiest spot it could find. December 2007 saw a first for him: it was the first occasion he had had a hair cut of his own volition.
Happy New Year!